Tech teaching

Published 8:58 pm Monday, June 10, 2013

SANDRA BUCKMAN | CONTRIBUTED TECH TEACHING: The Arc of Beaufort County recently made a special presentation to the special education classrooms in Beaufort County. The gift — several IPads — were presented by Sandra Buckman, Executive Director of the Arc. The Arc is a non-profit organization that works with and for people who have intellectual and developmental challenges, from birth throughout their lives. Buckman contacted Renee Boyd, director of exceptional children for Beaufort County Schools asking how the special education classes might be helped by the purchase of equipment that the Arc of BC wanted to donate. Pictured is one of the recipients, Paula Eubanks, who teaches at Bath Elementary School. Other recipients include Maria Gironda (Eastern Elementary School), Danielle Woolard and Ruth Thompson (both of Bath Elementary School). Buckman said The Arc of Beaufort County is excited about the educational opportunities that these IPads will provide for the students in our Beaufort County Schools. If you would like to volunteer to help with ongoing projects to  enrich the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, call Sandra Buckman at 252-945-4414 or send your tax deductible contribution to: The Arc of Beaufort County, 1534 West Fifth Street, Washington, 27889.

TECH TEACHING: The Arc of Beaufort County recently made a special presentation to the special education classrooms in Beaufort County.
The gift — several IPads — were presented by Sandra Buckman, Executive Director of the Arc. The Arc is a non-profit organization that works with and for people who have intellectual and developmental challenges, from birth throughout their lives. Buckman contacted Renee Boyd, director of exceptional children for Beaufort County Schools asking how the special education classes might be helped by the purchase of equipment that the Arc of BC wanted to donate.
Pictured is one of the recipients, Paula Eubanks, who teaches at Bath Elementary School. Other recipients include Maria Gironda (Eastern Elementary School), Danielle Woolard and Ruth Thompson (both of Bath Elementary School).
Buckman said The Arc of Beaufort County is excited about the educational opportunities that these IPads will provide for the students in our Beaufort County Schools. If you would like to volunteer to help with ongoing projects to enrich the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, call Sandra Buckman at 252-945-4414 or send your tax deductible contribution to: The Arc of Beaufort County, 1534 West Fifth Street, Washington, 27889.