Hurricane Arthur damages crops in Hyde County

Published 7:19 pm Monday, July 14, 2014

BEAUFORT-HYDE COUNTY FARM SERVICE AGENCY | CONTRIBUTED DAMAGE CONTROL: Beaufort-Hyde County Farm Service Agency Executive Director Leigh Anna Hester visited Hyde County this week to assess the crop damage from Hurricane Arthur. Pictured are damaged crops in the Fairfield and Engelhard areas of Hyde County after Arthur ripped through eastern North Carolina last Thursday night and Friday morning, beating down corn crops and leaving them snapped over, twisted and tangled.

DAMAGE CONTROL: Beaufort-Hyde County Farm Service Agency Executive Director Leigh Anna Hester visited Hyde County this week to assess the crop damage from Hurricane Arthur. Pictured are damaged crops in the Fairfield and Engelhard areas of Hyde County after Arthur ripped through eastern North Carolina last Thursday night and Friday morning, beating down corn crops and leaving them snapped over, twisted and tangled.Hurr