Star Struck

Published 6:39 pm Saturday, August 16, 2014

LISA SMITH-GARGARO | CONTRIBUTED WHAT TO WEAR: Lisa Smith-Gargaro, of Capelli Salon, recently attended the Premier Orlando International Beauty Show. There were over 800 vendors and thousands of stylists from all over the world in attendance.  Lisa met such artists as Nick Arojo and Ted Gibson, pictured with Lisa, from TLC's "What Not to Wear." The Premier Orlando International Beauty Show is the largest in the U.S. and offered many opportunities for runway and hands-on education.

WHAT TO WEAR: Lisa Smith-Gargaro, of Capelli Salon, recently attended the Premier Orlando International Beauty Show. There were over 800 vendors and thousands of stylists from all over the world in attendance. Lisa met such artists as Nick Arojo and Ted Gibson, pictured with Lisa, from TLC’s “What Not to Wear.” The Premier Orlando International Beauty Show is the largest in the U.S. and offered many opportunities for runway and hands-on education.