BCCC Briefs, Sept. 14, 2014

Published 5:58 pm Saturday, September 13, 2014

BEAUFORT COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE | CONTRIBUTED NEW GOVERNMENT: Pictured above are SGA officers, front row, left to right, Jordan Pooser, vice president; Jackson Lancaster, president; Lakita Artis, secretary; back row, left to right, Isaac Coltrain, parliamentarian; Elizabeth Cobb, historian, Theresa Scudder, special populations chairman, and Theresa Edwards, advisor.

NEW GOVERNMENT: Pictured above are SGA officers, front row, left to right, Jordan Pooser, vice president; Jackson Lancaster, president; Lakita Artis, secretary; back row, left to right, Isaac Coltrain, parliamentarian; Elizabeth Cobb, historian, Theresa Scudder, special populations chairman, and Theresa Edwards, advisor.

Lancaster heads Student Government Association

Jackson Lancaster, a student in the Business Administration Program at Beaufort County Community College, will serves as President of the Beaufort County Community College Student Government Association for the 2014-2015 Academic Year.

Lancaster will be joined by Jordan B. Pooser, vice president; Lakita Artis, secretary; Lalether Bryant Shepard, treasurer; Isaac Thomas Coltrain, parliamentarian; Elizabeth Cobb, historian, and Theresa Scudder, special populations chairman.

Pooser is pursuing an associate in science degree; Artis, Medical Office Administration and Basic Medical Office; Shepard, college transfer and Human Services Technology; Coltrain, Computer Information Technology; Cobb, general education; and Scudder, Human Services Technology.

Lancaster, 19, of Washington, is a 2014 graduate of the Beaufort County Early College High School, Lancaster holds an associate in arts degree from BCCC and returned to the college to complete his business degree. He is a licensed realtor with Coldwell Banker Coastal Rivers Realty.

At BCCC, Lancaster is a member of the Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society and a college Ambassador. After graduating from BCCC he plans to continue his education while building a successful career in real estate. Lancaster is the son of Terry and Louann Lancaster of Washington.

In his role as SGA president, Lancaster will serve as an ex-officio member of the BCCC Board of Trustees.

“I have big hopes for this upcoming school year,” he said. “I hope the students, faculty and staff can join forces and create a dedicated, encouraging and enjoyable community college experience for all.

“Our college grows more and more every year so I cannot wait to see how we will grow in the 2014-2015 academic year,” he said.

Redecorating the college café is one of the first Student Government Association projects for the new school year, Lancaster said.

The Student Government Association at BCCC provides an organized avenue of student involvement in the college. The SGA implements and plans activities that provide students with social and service projects that interest them.

For more information about the SGA, contact Theresa Edwards, student activities coordinator, at 940-6217 or visit the SGA office in Building 9.


Class added to late-start list

Beaufort County Community College has added another class to its list of eight-week classes that will begin Oct. 15, college officials announced this week.

Medical Terminology I will be offered as an online eight-week class for the first time this fall. This course presents the terminology and vocabulary that is used in medical office settings and is part of the Medical Office Administration curriculum at BCCC. After completing the course, students should be able to understand and use words that relate to about half the systems of the human body.

To register for this or other eight-week classes, students should contact Director of Counseling Kimberly Jackson at 252-940-6252 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday to make an appointment to register for these classes.

Fall 2014 tuition and fees have been approved by the N.C. Board of Community Colleges. Tuition for in-state students is $72 per credit hour and student fees at $4 per credit hour for a total of $76 per credit hour. Tuition for out-of-state students is $264 per credit hour and student fees at $4 per credit hour for a total of $268.

More information about the eight-week classes, including a complete schedule, is available on the BCCC website at www.beaufortccc.edu.


Small engine repair class offered

Learn how to get those mowers, chain saws, tillers and trimmers in good working condition and keep them that way for years to come.

The Division of Continuing Education at Beaufort County Community College is offering a course in small engine repair this fall. The class will be held from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays in Room 100 of Building 8A beginning Sept. 23 and ending Oct. 30.

Instructor Thomas Rogers will give students hands-on training to repair four-cycle and two-cycle engines. Instruction will be given in theory and explanation, engine systems, functions, system failures and trouble-shooting.

The registration fee is $110.25, including student insurance. Students will need to bring tools such as screwdrivers and wrenches and items to be repaired.

For more information about this class or BCCC’s Community Services Program, contact Director of Community Partnerships Clay Carter at 252-940-6357 or by email atclayc@beaufortccc.edu.

Students may register by calling 252-940-6375 or in person in room 802 of Building 8 on the BCCC campus. BCCC accepts Visa, MasterCard and Discover. Checks payable to Beaufort County Community College may be mailed to the attention of Eva Peartree, 5337 U.S. Highway 264 East, Washington, NC 27889.

For more information about other Continuing Education classes, visit BCCC’s Website at www.beaufortccc.edu/coned.


Sewing for Fun offered by BCCC

Beaufort County Community College’s popular sewing classes are back on the schedule for fall with an extended number of meeting days that will enable participants to complete more projects and gain additional knowledge!

Both a day and night class will be offered Thursdays beginning Sept. 25 and ending Dec. 4 in Room 830 of Building 8 on the BCCC campus.

Students will complete projects of their choice as they learn to sew or improve existing skills. Through personalized instruction, students will learn about fabric and pattern selection; the principles of cutting, marking and basic construction, and sewing darts, seams, sleeves, hems, pockets, buttonholes and more.

Sewing machines will be available for student use; however, students are encouraged to bring their own sewing machines. The instructor is Linda Batchelor.

The day class will meet 9 a.m. to noon and an evening class from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The registration fee for each class is $70. Materials will be available for a simple project at the first class.

For more information about BCCC’s Community Services Program, contact Director of Community Partnerships Clay Carter at 252-940-6357 or by email atclayc@beaufortccc.edu.

Students may register by calling 252-940-6375 or in person in room 802 of Building 8 on the BCCC campus. BCCC accepts Visa, MasterCard and Discover. Checks payable to Beaufort County Community College may be mailed to the attention of Eva Peartree, 5337 U.S. Highway 264 East, Washington, NC 27889.

For more information about other Continuing Education classes, visit BCCC’s Website at www.beaufortccc.edu/coned.


Three workshops to be offered at expo

The Small Business Center at Beaufort County Community College will offer three workshops for current and prospective business owners at the 2014 Business Expo to be held on the BCCC campus Sept. 24.

The workshops will highlight resources available for business owners, legal issues and social media. They will be held in the multi-purpose room of Building 10, next door to the expo. The workshops are scheduled as follows:

Resources for Prospective and Current Small Business Owners, noon. Instructor Lentz Stowe, director of BCCC’s Business and Industry Services will share with entrepreneurs free resources available to start, expand and improve their businesses.

Legal Entities and Your Business, 1 p.m. Will Mayo, Washington lawyer and entrepreneur will review legal issues involved in starting and maintaining a business and working with other businesses.

Social Media: What’s in it for My Business?, 2 p.m. Instructor Christina Williams, a Microsoft Office Specialist and owner of a computer consulting business will discuss ways an active social media presence can help a small business.

The workshops and the expo are co-sponsored by the Washington/Beaufort County Chamber of Commerce.

Attendance is free of charge but pre-registration for the workshops is recommended in order to reserve seating and to allow the college to adequately prepare materials. To pre-register, contact Eva Peartree at BCCC’s Business and industry Services at 252-940-6375 at evap@beaufortccc.edu or Lentz Stowe, director of BCCC’s Business and Industry Services, at 252-940-6306 or by email at lentzs@beaufortccc.edu.

For more information about other services offered by BCCC’s Business and Industry Services’ Small Business Center, including targeted seminars for business owners, visit BCCC’s Website at www.beaufortccc.edu/coned/Small Business/workshops.htm or contact Stowe or Lauren Dudley, customized training coordinator, at 252-940-6311 or by email at laurens@beaufortccc.edu.


Four spaces still open for Dirty Dancing


The BCCC Foundation sponsored trip to see the stage play, Dirty Dancing, at the Durham Performing Arts Center on Sept. 20 has four seats still available. The cost for this trip is $200 which includes bus transportation, brunch at the exclusive Umstead resort, shopping time at a Southern Season in Chapel Hill, orchestra seating for Dirty Dancing, and light refreshments on the way home. Please call Marcia Norwood at 252-940-6218 or Judy Jennette at 252-940-6326 if you would like additional information or register to go on this trip.