Spooky Seniors: Beaufort County Traditional Music Association fall festival

Published 7:32 pm Wednesday, October 29, 2014

VAIL STEWART RUMLEY | DAILY NEWS SPOOKY SENIORS: Area seniors took a moment to celebrate the season Wednesday with their fall festival. Loaded with lots of fun, activities, games and refreshments, pumpkin paintings, door prizes, a cornhole toss, cake walk, entertainment from the singers and players of the Beaufort County Traditional Music Association, the party was held at the corner of Main and Gladden streets, just outside the Grace Harwell Senior Center, on a warm October day. Seniors had a wonderful, fun-filled day, complete with a costume contest. Pictured are costume contestants (left to right) Barbara Herring, Mary Jane Jones, Buck Frazier, Fonda Gautier and Jayne Baker just before the winning costumes were announced. Third place went to Gautier’s clown; second place to Frazier’s cheerleader; and first-place winner was Carol Duda, as the Wicked Witch of the West.

SPOOKY SENIORS: Area seniors took a moment to celebrate the season Wednesday with their fall festival. Loaded with lots of fun, activities, games and refreshments, pumpkin paintings, door prizes, a cornhole toss, cake walk, entertainment from the singers and players of the Beaufort County Traditional Music Association, the party was held at the corner of Main and Gladden streets, just outside the Grace Harwell Senior Center, on a warm October day. Seniors had a wonderful, fun-filled day, complete with a costume contest. Pictured are costume contestants (left to right) Barbara Herring, Mary Jane Jones, Buck Frazier, Fonda Gautier and Jayne Baker just before the winning costumes were announced. Third place went to Gautier’s clown; second place to Frazier’s cheerleader; and first-place winner was Carol Duda, as the Wicked Witch of the West.