Published 1:59 am Sunday, April 12, 2015

President Jeff Mault called the meeting to order, and welcomed members. Jeff Mault led the group in the singing of America, and JA Jackson gave the prayer for the meal. A ham dinner with all the trimmings was served by the Old Ford church of Christ Circle number One.

Jeff Mault presented the treasurer’s report for the month. The secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented. Richard Gerard made a motion to increase the BBQ plates to $8. A second to the motion was made by Joe Ayers. After discussion of the motion, the motion was voted on and passed as presented.

In old business, the concrete pad had been poured thanks to Herman Grissom, Churchill Hodges and Curtis Rogers. It was reported that repairs had been made to the roof of the Ruritan building. Adopt a highway project still on hold until warmer weather. The recipients of the Ruritan Scholarships had been selected and applications received. The board of directors made a recommendation to give six scholarships this year to eligible students. Tommy Hodges made a motion to present six scholarships in the amount of $500 each to each of the student applicants. A second to the motion was made by Tony Hoell. The motion was voted on and passed. Butch Furguson presented that the dictionaries had been selected, and waiting on the principles to proceed with the presentation. It was noted that the Rudy Bears will be purchased in June for the project with the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Department. On Sunday, May 17, Ruritan awareness month will be celebrated. On December 15 is Big Swamp/Old Ford 65th anniversary of the Ruritan.

Jeff Mault led the club members in the pledge to the American flag. With no other business, Jeff Mault declared the meeting closed.