Published 7:51 pm Monday, January 5, 2009

By Staff
Red Cross Blood Drives, Hackney and Sons, 400 Hackney Ave., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Woodard’s Pond Church of Christ, 8962 U.S. Highway 264 East, 3-7 p.m.
Chocowinity Board of Commissioners, 7 p.m., regular monthly meeting in the municipal building. The public is invited to attend.
First Christian Church CWF: 11 a.m., Group 1: Jane Alligood leader, with Lois Perry, Group 2: Dottie Bunch leader, at Bay Leaf Plantation with Dottie Bunch, Group 3: Pam Pelletier, leader, in church library and Group 4: Judy Belote leader, no meeting.
Beaufort County Board of Education: Building / Grounds Committee, 4 p.m., Board of Education conference room. Special Called Board meeting for Personnel, 5:15 p.m., Beaufort County Schools board room.
First United Methodist Women Circles: 10 a.m. — Zablocki/Cooper, Seminar classroom. 10:30 a.m. — Linda Titus, Ruble classroom; Connie Howard, home of Marsha Bowes. 6 p.m. — Kaye Buckman, fellowship hall. 7 p.m. — Circle of Grace, Women’s Bible classroom; Agape, church parlor.
National Association of Active and Retired Federal Employees, 11:30 a.m., Hog Heaven Restaurant. Guest speaker: Joyce Echols of Blue Cross Blue Shield. All current and retired federal government employees and their spouses are welcome. For information, call Tony Fiore, 948-0456.
Washington Fire Rescue EMS Auxiliary, 7 p.m., first Tuesday, Washington Fire Station, Market Street. Anyone interested in joining is invited. Questions? Contact: Michael Alligood.
It’s “ME” Time Group, 5:30-6:30 p.m., first Tuesday, and 11 a.m.-noon, fourth Tuesday, at Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center education room. The group is for recently diagnosed breast cancer patients. Light refreshments provided. Call Angelina Brittle, 975-4308 ext. 109 for more information.
Beaufort County Genealogical Society, 7 p.m., first Tuesday, Brown Library. Visitors welcome.
Orr Lodge No. 104 A.F.&A.M., stated communication, 7:30 p.m., first and third Tuesday. All Master Masons welcome.
H.S. Jones 521, 7:30 p.m., first and third Tuesday, Lodge building, Fifth and Respess streets.
Optimist Club of Washington, 7 p.m., first and third Tuesday, Hog Heaven. New members welcome.
Women of the Moose, chapter meeting, 7 p.m., first Tuesday. Refreshments following meeting.
Men’s Gospel Fellowship, 7 p.m., first Tuesday, Boyette Civic Center, Belhaven.
Pamlico Writer's Group, 7-9 p.m., every other Tuesday, Beaufort County Arts Council. Area writers are invited. For information, call Jerry Cuthrell, 946-9471.
Massage Therapy. Free therapeutic foot, hand, and chair massage are available for cancer patients and care providers. Call Angelina Brittle, 975-4308 ext. 109, to schedule an appointment. For more information about any upcoming programs or events, contact Ms. Brittle.
Red Men’s Lodge, 503 E. Third St., Washington. Bingo, 7 p.m., Tuesdays. Doors open 6 p.m. Public invited.
Basic Skills/GED Classes, Beaufort County Elementary School, 6-9 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays. Instructor: Sue Rhem. Classes offered at no charge to adults 18 years of age and over. For additional information, call Beaufort County Community College, Nikki Klapp, assessment retention assistant/recruiter, 940-6322.
OPTIONS to Domestic Violence &Sexual Assault Support Group, Tuesdays, 5 p.m. Advocate on call 24 hours a day. 946-3219 or 1-800-682-0767, ask for OPTIONS.
Yoga classes, Moore Aquatic &Fitness Center, 8:30-9:30 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays. Open to members and non-members. Call 948-9420 for more information.
Exercise program designed for senior citizens, 11 a.m., Tuesdays, Trinity Episcopal Church, Highway 33 West, Chocowinity. Everyone welcome.
Sitazise classes, Mattamuskeet Senior Center, 11 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Aurora Recreation Department sponsors an exercise class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7 p.m., Aurora Community Center. Cost, $1.50 per class. For information, call 322-5448.
Painting class for Senior Adults 55 and older, 9 a.m., Tuesdays, Grace Martin Harwell Senior Center. For information, call 975-9368.
Low Impact Step Aerobics for people 55 and over, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8 a.m. and 9 a.m., Grace Martin Harwell Senior Center.
Alcoholics Anonymous Beaufort County Group, Tuesdays, noon, Washington Housing Authority building “Westbrooke,” 100 Manuel Drive, directly behind Classic Auto Body (Highway 264 West). Open meeting. Non-Smoking. For help or information, call 975-6113.
Washington County Chapter, Alcoholics Anonymous, 8 p.m., Tuesdays, parish house, Grace Episcopal Church, Plymouth. Tuesday: Open speaker meeting. Monday and Friday: Big Book discussion meeting, noon, Saint Joan of Arc Catholic Church, 506 E. Main St., Plymouth. For help anytime, call 792-8428 or 793-2137.
BHM Regional Library Bookmobile Schedule: Martin County — 9:45-10:15, Oak City; 10:25-10:40, Hamilton Ridge Apts.; 10:45-11:45, Hamilton Insurance; 12:15-12:30, North Everettes; 1-1:15, Hattie Mae; 1:30-1:45, Southern Apparel; 2-2:30, Crossroads Church; 2:45-3, Rawls Tractor Repair; 3:10-3:30, Dale Harrison.
Down East Seniors, 10 a.m., Blackbeard’s Restaurant, 1000 Washington St., Washington. Speaker, Keith Hardt, director of Washington Electric Utilities. Topic: Washington Electric Services.
Pamlico Senior Citizen Club, 10:30 a.m., first Wednesday, Grace Martin Harwell Senior Center. Bring a covered dish.
Plymouth Area Disabled American Veterans, 7 p.m., first Wednesday, Gerri’s New Skillet. For more information, call Bob Butcher, 793-6345 or Shirley, 793-2189.
American Legion Post 263, Cherry Run Road, 7:30 p.m., first and third Wednesday. New members welcome.
Aurora Lions Club, 6:30 p.m., first and third Wednesday, Aurora Fossil Museum training room (old VFW building), Main Street.
French Conversation and refresher class, 1:30-3 p.m., Wednesdays, upstairs at Brown Library. For information, call Sylvia Evans, 975-6705.
Divorce Care, a support group for people who are separated or divorced, 7-8:30 p.m., Wednesdays, Old Ford Church of Christ, Highway 17 North, Washington. For more information, call 946-5883.
Ecumenical Bible Study Group, 3:30-5 p.m., Wednesdays, Keyesville AME Zion Church, corner Highland Drive and Keyesville Road. Public is welcome.
Family History and Genealogical Center of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 80 Cedar Circle, Washington is open from 1p.m. to 9 p.m. and available free of charge to anyone interested in researching their ancestral lines.
Billiards for seniors 55-plus, 9:30 a.m., Wednesdays, Grace Martin Harwell Senior Center, 310 W. Main St.
AHOY Exercise Class, Seniors’ Center, 224 E. Main St., Belhaven, 12:30 p.m., Wednesdays. For information, call the Center, 943-2992.
Line Dancing, Seniors’ Center, 274 E. Main St., Belhaven, Wednesdays, 2 p.m. Beginners, 3 p.m. For information, call 943-2992.
Alcoholics Anonymous Horsefeathers Group, Wednesdays, 7 p.m., Horsefeathers Lane, Bath. Closed meeting. Non-smoking. Contact number for directions and other information: 945-1298.
Alcoholics Anonymous Beaufort County Group, Wednesdays, 6 p.m., Washington Housing Authority building “Westbrooke,” 100 Manuel Drive, directly behind Classic Auto Body (Highway 264 West). Closed meeting. Non-Smoking. For help or information, call 975-6113.
Narcotics Anonymous, Wednesdays and Sundays, 8 p.m., Westbrooke Housing Authority, corner Pontiac and Manuel Drive. Call 945-7704.
BHM Regional Library Bookmobile schedule: Martin County — 9:30-10:10, Dallas Mobley, 10:12-10:25, Vicky Rogerson; 10:30-10:50, Sidney Peaks; 11-11:30, Margaret Webb; 12-12:30, Linda Perry; 12:40-1, Joan Bagley; 1:10-1:30, Happy Face; 1:40-2:10, Jamesville Community stop; 2:30-3, Smiling Faces; 3:15-3:40, Williamston Senior Center.
Beaufort County Republican Men’s Club, 6 p.m. dinner, 6:45 meeting, Cliff’s Seafood, Chocowinity. All Republicans are invited, guests are welcome.
Demille Book Club, noon, at home of Mrs. William C. Padgett in Cypress Landing.
Washington Senior Dance, 7-10 p.m., Washington Civic Center, for singles and couples over 50. Hosts: Chester and Doraine Smith. Music by DJ Lenwood Thurman. Admission, $6. No alcohol, smoking or children. For more information, call 964-2216 or 975-9368.
Story Hour, Hazel W. Guilford Library, Aurora. Ages 6 months and up, 10 a.m., second Thursdays through May 14. Telephone: 322-5048.
Juvenile Crime Prevention Council, noon, second Thursday, King Chicken Restaurant. Purpose: To assess needs of at-risk youth in Beaufort County as well as fund and monitor programs targeting these juveniles. Lunch provided for all voting members, program directors and special guests.
Original Washington Branch, Association for the Study of African-American Life History, 7 p.m., second Thursday, Brown Library. Public invited.
Beaufort County Shrine Club, Board of Directors, second Thursday, 6:30-7:30 p.m., social hour; 7:30-8:30, business session.
Tri Community Ruritan Club, second Thursday, Winsteadville Community Center. Dinner, 7 p.m.; business meeting, 7:30 p.m.
Washington County Child Advocacy Council, 7 p.m., second Thursday, the Weyerhaeuser Trowbridge Office Center on Ken Trowbridge Road.
Engelhard Sanitary District Board, 4 p.m., second and fourth Thursday, Hotel Engelhard. Open to public.
Connect the Tots, a fun, educational, and free playgroup for preschoolers (ages 2, 3 and 4) and parents, 10:30 a.m., Thursdays, sponsored by Child Connections, 979 Washington Square Mall. Stories, artwork, singing, playing and snacks. Access to Child Connections Lending Library. Call for information and space availability, 975-4647, Ext. 6.
Basic Skills/GED Classes, Beaufort County Elementary School, 6-9 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays. Instructor: Sue Rhem. Classes offered at no charge to adults 18 years of age and over. For additional information, call Beaufort County Community College, Nikki Klapp, assessment retention assistant/recruiter, 940-6322.
Rotary Club of Washington, 6:30 p.m., Thursdays, Washington Yacht and Country Club.
Washington Moose Lodge No. 1800, Thursdays — 7 p.m., meal; 7:30 p.m. meeting. Fridays — Bingo, 7:30 p.m. Third Wednesdays — pancake supper, 5-7 p.m.; cost $5 per person.
Community Pops Singers rehearsal, 7:30 p.m., Thursdays, Cypress Glen auditorium, 100 Hickory St., Greenville. Christmas concert will be performed in mid-December and will consist of both secular and sacred music. Singers from Pitt County and surrounding areas are invited to join. No auditions required. Dues are $10 every four months. For further information, contact Rachel Sturz, 321-8838.
Washington Bible Study for women, Chocowinity United Methodist Church, Thursdays. Call 946-1652 for details.
Options to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Inc. offering a Sexual Assault Survivors’ Support Group, 6-7:30 p.m., Thursdays. Meetings are free and confidential. For information, call 946-3219.
Board and Card games, Grace Martin Harwell Senior Center, 310 W. Main St., Thursdays, 1-4 p.m., for people 55 and over. 975-9368.
Low Impact Step Aerobics for people 55 and over, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8 a.m. and 9 a.m., Grace Martin Harwell Senior Center.
Line Dance classes, sponsored by Washington County Recreation Center, Thursdays, 7-9 p.m., Roper Elementary gym. For information, call Linda Brannon 793-4528.
Sidney Crossroads AA, big book meeting, 8 p.m., Thursdays, Sidney Crossroads Free Will Baptist Church. Public is invited. For information, call 964-4976 or 943-3493.
Alcoholics Anonymous Beaufort County Group, Thursdays, noon, Washington Housing Authority building “Westbrooke,” 100 Manuel Drive, directly behind Classic Auto Body (Highway 264 West). Open meeting. Non-Smoking. For help or information, call 975-6113.
BHM Regional Library Bookmobile schedule: Martin County — 9:30-9:50, Amanda Silverthorne; 10-10:35, Reg Rogerson; 10:55-10:25, Willie Hardison; 11:35-12:05, Elva Hardison; 12:20-12:40, Hazel Lilley; 1:30, Community stop, Shelly’s Country Store; 2:15-2:30, Doodle Bug Childcare; 2:45-3, Community Christian Childcare; 3:10-3:30, Community stop, Cuts and Curls.
Amateur Radio License Preparation Class, Pungo District Hospital, Belhaven, Thursdays, Jan. 15-Feb. 12, 6:30-9:30 p.m. A five session class to pass the FCC Amateur Radio (Ham) 35 question exam for the technician class license. Student study manual, $25; FCC exam, $15. No Morse code required. To register or for more information, contact John Sprouse, N4VJJ at 943-3133.
Washington Garden Club, Peterson Building, 9:30 a.m. fellowship, followed by annual business meeting. Speaker: Mark Buckler, program coordinator for the Outer Banks Center for Wildlife Education.
American Legion Post 15 hosting the Little Creek Band, 8-11 p.m., Fridays, American Legion Road off Market Street near the airport. No smoking or alcohol.
BHM Regional Library Bookmobile schedule: Martin County — 9:30-10, Memorial Baptist Church; 10:10-10:30, Margaret Jackson; 10:45-11:30, Bear Grass Community stop; 11:45-12, Lots of Love.
Saturday Night Jamboree, 6-8 p.m., will ring in the new year with a New Year’s Jamboree at the Red Men’s Lodge, East Third Street, Washington. Volunteers asked to meet at 5 p.m. to decorate for the event. All area mentally/physically challenged residents and all volunteers are welcome.
Goose Creek State Park: Winter Treats for the Birds, 10 a.m. All ages. Food is scarce for birds in the wintertime. Create a masterful buffet for backyard feathered friends. Bring several pine cones and come prepared to get fingers a bit messy during the program.
Riverside Gospel Sing, 7:30 p.m., Riverside Camp Grounds, N.C. Highway 45 North, Ponzer. Singers: Unshackled of Chocowinity. Snack bar with hot dogs, popcorn, candy and drinks available. For more information, call Bennett Emory at 926-8621 or Wilber Logan at 943-2072.
Ye Olde Academy Museum in Pantego having open house each Saturday and Sunday, 2-4 p.m. Public invited.
Pantego Area Community Developers sponsoring community yard sale, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Saturdays, Pantego Area Community gym, Highway 99 N, Pantego.
Alcoholics Anonymous Beaufort County Group, Saturdays, noon, Washington Housing Authority building “Westbrooke,” 100 Manuel Drive, directly behind Classic Auto Body (Highway 264 West). Open meeting. Non-Smoking. For help or information, call 975-6113.
Belhaven AA, 8 p.m., Saturdays, First Christian Church, 321 E. Main St., Belhaven. Speaker or discussion. Call 964-4609 or 943-3493.
Red Cross Blood Drive, Five Points FWB Church, 12357 Highway 32 North, Pinetown, 12:30-4:30 p.m.
Goose Creek State Park: Planet Earth — Great Plains, 3 p.m. All ages. Enjoy a 45-minute segment from the amazing Planet Earth nature series as seen on the Discovery Channel, narrated by Sigourney Weaver.
Neuse River Orchid Society, 2 p.m., second Sunday, Cunningham Research Center, Cunningham Road, Kinston. Public welcome. For information, call 252-522-0655.
Ye Olde Academy Museum in Pantego having open house each Saturday and Sunday, 2-4 p.m. Public invited.
Alcoholics Anonymous Beaufort County Group, Beginners closed meeting (only for people with a desire to stop drinking), Sundays, 3 p.m., Washington Housing Authority building “Westbrooke,” 100 Manuel Drive, directly behind Classic Auto Body (Highway 264 West). Non-Smoking. For help or information, call 975-6113.
Narcotics Anonymous, Sundays and Wednesdays, 8 p.m., Westbrooke Housing Authority, corner Pontiac and Manuel Drive. Call 945-7704.