Turnage director discusses future of historic Washington theater

Published 1:03 pm Monday, April 6, 2009

By Staff
Lifestyles &Features Editor
Scotty Henley wears a variety of hats these days.
As executive director and technical director of Washington’s Turnage Theater, he does a bit of everything: When he’s not working on the budget, booking acts or tending to lights and sound, he may be cleaning bathrooms and changing the marquee overlooking Main Street.
There are few people around more knowledgeable about the restored theater. Henley, 43, joined the staff in September 2007, was made interim director in January and since March has been director.
The WDN recently spoke with Henley about the future of the Turnage.
1.) What is being done to bring more-affordable shows to the Turnage?
2.) What is the status of the fundraising efforts, and how can people help support the theater?
3.) What are some of your goals — short term and long range— for the theater?
4.) What do you think sets the Turnage apart from other entertainment venues?
5.) People are wondering: Have you seen or heard the supposed Turnage ghost?