Andrews rewards former players|Girls receive college scholarships

Published 11:31 am Sunday, August 9, 2009

Staff Writer

During an emotionally-charged opening ceremony to the ninth-annual Bobby Andrews Softball Scholarship Tournament on Friday night, local softball players were awarded scholarships from the Bobby Andrews Scholarship Fund.
Scholarships were awarded first to former Pam Pack softball players moving on to Beaufort County Community College, including Victoria Hardison, Sarah Mayo, Samantha Mobley and Crystal Ireland. Each girl received $1,200 in scholarship funds.
Then, scholarships were given to former softball players attending colleges and universities outside of the county, including Davey Ann Burbage (Pitt Community College), Christina Ellison (Campbell University), Brinkley Johnson (Pfeiffer University), Kayla Spain (East Carolina University), Charity Watson (PCC), Samantha Barber (PCC) and Brittany Bryant.
Prior to the presentation, Ireland gave a heartfelt speech to the crowd of 100 about “Mr. Bobby.”
“He has always been a kind, caring person,” she said, explaining why she delivered the speech. “He has always been nice to every one of us (former Babe Ruth league players).”
“I would’ve given this speech without the scholarship,” she added.
In a speech of his own, Andrews made it clear how much his former players mean to him, too.
“I can always count on you children,” he said during the delivery.
Andrews was excited about how many scholarships were awarded in the ninth year of the scholarship fund.
“It’s getting bigger and bigger,” he said.
The endowment fund is now over $30,000, and is growing every year.
The tournament, which takes its name from the man and the endowment, will finish up today at the Susiegray McConnell Sports Complex. This year’s tournament features 21 teams in five age divisions.
Andrews hopes that the endowment and tournament continue to grow.
“I feel like someday when I’m dead and gone, somebody will keep this tournament going. I think we’ve got some people that will keep it going,” he said.