Despite rain, Washington parade marches on|Christmas celebration held Saturday
Published 8:16 am Sunday, December 6, 2009
Lifestyles & Features Editor
The crowds were a bit sparse but no less enthusiastic Saturday morning for Washingtons traditional Christmas parade.
Rain that began falling before daybreak dampened the spectators and participants, but a good number soldiered on to take part in the event, which was sponsored by the City of Washington and the Washington Kiwanis Club.
Among those waiting patiently for the procession to begin were Blondie Marslender and her niece, Nell Cherry, both of Washington.
My niece is in the Lifeskills class at Washington High School, and shes waiting to ride the Pam Pack float, Marslender said as the pair sought shelter from the rain showers outside the Gregg Ward Photography studio on Market Street. We always try to get here for the parade.
Just as the 10 a.m. start time approached, there was a break in the rain and the procession began. Leading the parade were a City of Washington police cruiser and the Beaufort County Sheriffs Office honor guard, made up of Charlie Rose, Jeremy Landeck, Michael Sheppard and Robert Gaskins.
Following was a contingent of entries representing area churches, schools, businesses and civic organizations.
Washington High Schools marching band and dance team braved the inclement weather, as did the P.S. Jones Middle School Nutrition Advisory Council and a group of students from Beaufort County Early College High School.
Among the other entries featured in the parade were the Beaufort County Community College Student Government Association, Greater Pamlico Area Chapter of the American Red Cross, Washington Yacht Club, Little Washington Sailing Club, Delta Presidential Gems and Presidential Society, Washington-Beaufort Board of Realtors and several local churches.
Santa Claus himself was the grand finale of the parade, riding a City of Washington fire truck and accompanied by Cub Scouts from Pack 21 of First Christian Church.
Even Santa wasnt immune to the less-than-perfect weather conditions; he was garbed in a clear, plastic rain poncho that protected his red-velvet suit.
Christmas parade season in Beaufort County continues today in Bath at 2 p.m. Other parades are scheduled in Belhaven on Dec. 12 and Aurora on Dec. 13.