SOUND OFF / March 4
Published 1:04 am Friday, March 4, 2011
Sound Off highlights anonymous, brief takes on the news offered via telephone by Daily News readers.
I don’t agree with the battleship coming to Washington. If you want to do something, why not get an aircraft carrier on the Fourth of July?
Has any consideration been given by the city to join in with the county because I believe the county also needs a new facility?
Are you worried about getting to be a senior citizen? When living in Beaufort County, you don’t have to. I just came from the monthly meeting of the senior-citizens club, and it was like an old-timey meeting. You know the kind č we opened with a prayer, we saluted the flag, had a motivational speaker and the leader of the center gave a talk on opportunities for seniors in our community. Thanks to the staff and volunteers who made the day a very pleasant one. Thanks to the senior center as well. I hope you will come and join us.
Washington in spring is a beautiful town! I am thankful that I live in such a nice community. For all of you that do nothing but complain, why don’t you get out and volunteer to make our community a better place to live. That would be a much more valuable use of your time than complaining.
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