SOUND OFF / March 18
Published 8:08 pm Thursday, March 17, 2011
Sound Off highlights anonymous, brief takes on the news offered via telephone by Daily News readers.
I would be ashamed to say I am from Crabtown, North Carolina. It is a terrible thing.
The residents of Washington need to band together and quit buying from convenience stores here in town that are selling spice under the name K2 or Spice and also selling bath salts which our youth are buying. They are snorting and smoking these products, and it is becoming a problem. We need to put a stop to it since the government can’t seem to do it quick enough.
Good job City Council for now allowing trailers and manufactured homes. Now, the county needs to do something out of it. I am not against them, but there just needs to be some control. Editor’s note: On Monday, the council voted 3-1 to reject a request to allow double-wide manufactured homes in the city’s residential-agricultural (RA-20) zoning districts if a special-use permit is granted by the Board of Adjustment.
The article in Tuesday’s paper about lottery fraud was educational. Not playing the lottery, I had no idea.
Everybody should learn Spanish. If you don’t know it, you should learn it.
With so much cooperation in providing public information under a Sunshine Week project, I would encourage all residents to contact their legislative representatives and ask for their continued support for a sunshine law enactment.
Why isn’t there a NCAA bracket in the paper? It’s a shame! Editor’s note: The bracket for the 2011 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament is available online at
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