SOUND OFF / April 27, 2011

Published 12:48 am Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sound Off highlights anonymous, brief takes on the news offered via telephone by Daily News readers.

There should be a time every year that we check our fire extinguishers. How do you get them refilled and is it cheaper to buy a new one or refill an old one? Does the fire station refill them? Editor’s note: According to several Internet sources, usually it’s cheaper to buy a extinguisher than to refill it, unless it’s a large, high-quality fire extinguisher. The fire station does not refill fire extinguishers. As for checking fire extinguishers, it’s recommended that be done once a year. Many people check them either in the fall when they set their clocks ahead or in the spring when they set their clocks back. As for the type(s) of fire extinguisher one’s property may require, local fire departments are more than willing to provide that information if contacted.

I think the best location for the new police station would be the old P.S. Jones School. It is centrally located, as opposed to the airport property on the edge of the city. I hope the “politically correct” opinion doesn’t get in the way of this important decision.

I would like to thank the nice gentleman who found my wallet at Lowe’s and returned it to me. He was my guardian angel.

So, we are going to outsource mowing to a program with adults with criminal pasts to rehabilitate them and by doing this put responsible city employees out of a job? That makes an awful lot of sense, doesn’t it?

If I pay my newspaper bill on time, then I would appreciate receiving my newspaper on time.

Sound Off comments are screened for subject matter, clarity and length of message. Comments about private businesses (except the WDN) and some individuals are not allowed. On occasion, we cease publishing comments about topics that have been fully discussed in Sound Off. Call 252-940-4215 to comment, (30 seconds maximum time). (All submissions are subject to editing).