SOUND OFF / May 25, 2011
Published 12:54 am Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Sound Off highlights anonymous, brief takes on the news offered via telephone by Daily News readers.
Regarding tolls: We are the poorest part of the state. As four-lane roads go from the Piedmont to the mountains and as the Triad area has four, six, eight, 10 and, even in some places, 12 lanes going to Charlotte. Our area of the state can’t even get four lanes from Williamston to New Bern on U.S. Highway 17. Now, ferry tolls may be implemented from Bayview to Aurora — $10 per trip each way. Tough choices must be made, but to be against new tolls and still vote for them is a vote against this district.
I understand there is a dress code for Beaufort County students. Shouldn’t the staff have the same dress code?
Last Memorial Day Monday, my husband and I were at Oakdale Cemetery to commemorate my father and his grandfather. A beautiful couple was there with a trumpet acknowledging the significance of the day with wonderful music. I hope they are there again this year. It made the day special.
You must not have gotten out of your car or you would have seen that the yellow tape was up only where the plants were coming up at the rose garden on the waterfront, and that was to prevent the “tweens” from running over them. You could enter the garden from two different directions. So, why don’t you get out of your car and look, or better yet, why don’t you go protect the plants when there are large groups of people there.
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