Letter to the Editor / May 26, 2011
Published 1:17 am Thursday, May 26, 2011
To the Editor:
Who do the Beaufort County commissioners think they have living in this county? Perhaps they need reminding that this is one of the poorest counties in North Carolina! Property owners were just recently imposed with a ridiculous increase in property values, some as much as a 300 percent increase. With the increase in values also came the increase in taxes. Now, less than a year later, we may be required to pay an additional 10 percent when the new budget is voted on.
The taxpayers of Beaufort County cannot afford more taxes. The financial problem our county faces is not a revenue issue but a spending one. No individual or entity should spend more than its income allows. Our commissioners need to do a line-by-line review of the budget and not accept as final word what has been presented by the county manager. They should examine this budget and consider what is necessary to operate our county in an efficient manner. Efficient operation of county government is possible through the proper management of our limited tax resources.
Trim the fat, spend wisely, but whatever you do — don’t raise our taxes! We will not forget in 2012!