SOUND OFF / June 15, 2011

Published 12:42 am Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sound Off highlights anonymous, brief takes on the news offered via telephone by Daily News readers.

All these county departments and agencies that think they are being cute and smart need to remember that they should not bite the hand that feeds them.

I thought the Washington Electric Utilities service boundaries were set by the state utilities commission, and I guess I was naive in thinking all customers, whether inside or outside the city, were in the “same boat.” I guess discrimination against those outside the city limits is fine with the City Council.

I also live in Belhaven, and I know dozens of citizens who are unhappy about how the town meetings are being run and how the town is being managed.

If you are going to crank up your Sound Off filter, you may as well discontinue it altogether.

Four o’clock in the afternoon is too early for the Visitor Center in Washington to close.

We need more people like Hood Richardson in there to keep our taxes down. He is doing a good job. I like him.

Perhaps if North Carolina schools emphasized and concentrated more on academic excellence than football and basketball, minority students would lose their stereotype worries and not feel their only road to success is in athletics. Why don’t we stop spending on sports and spend more on academics? That would help us catch up to China, India and Pakistan.

The City of Washington has a lot to be desired concerning its decision-makers. They don’t do very good when it comes to handing out money.

People want their tax money to go to things that help them, like the police department and fire department, not the Turnage Theater.

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