SOUND OFF / June 16, 2011

Published 12:22 am Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sound Off highlights anonymous, brief takes on the news offered via telephone by Daily News readers.

Summer Festival resources should be used to clean up after the Summer Festival – example: cigarette butts – not the tax dollars.

I think we should have a law against people driving and talking on cellphones. I was almost hit, twice, yesterday by people driving and talking on their phones. This needs to be addressed.

It was great to read Larry Britt’s autobiography in Tuesday’s paper. Enough with the letters already.

Other than tooting its own horn about things it has nothing to do with, the Committee of 100 would not be missed if it disbands tomorrow. And the EDC would not be missed if it ceased to exist tomorrow.

With the city’s new budget reducing city residents 5 percent on their electrical rates, and whereas the majority of the electric customers are outside the city, I think I will start doing my shopping in Greenville for groceries and everything else. That way I won’t be penalized by paying taxes to the city.

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