Letter to the Editor

Published 1:29 am Thursday, August 18, 2011

To the Editor:
I am appalled at the efforts of atheists in this country to try to get any reference to God taken out of the public arena. Just recently, Michael Newdow, an atheist in San Diego, Calif., appealed a case to the Supreme Court saying that government references to God are unconstitutional and they infringed on his religious beliefs. This complaint that Newdow brought named President Obama, Rick Warren and Joseph Lowery Jr. as defendants.
President Obama and every other president before him dating all the way back to George Washington have always ended their oath of office by saying, “So help me God.” Ministers have always offered prayer at every presidential inauguration ceremony ever since I can remember. Billy Graham and many other ministers have guided presidents and advised them where spiritual matters are concerned.
The Supreme Court made the right decision in rejecting Newdow’s case simply because it had no merit whatsoever. I firmly support President Obama’s right to say “So help me God” in the presidential oath because as an American and the leader of our country, it is his right to say it. As for the ministers in question, it is their right to offer prayer if requested to do so, and it is every American’s right to pray and acknowledge God if we wish because it is our right as guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.