An eagle’s good deed

Published 12:35 am Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Judy Downey, owner of Ormond Amphitheatre, surveys the damage from Hurricane Irene. Inset: Evan Handy’s team of volunteers on the new walkway they built as part of Handy’s Eagle Scout project. (Contributed Photos)

On Nov. 5, 25 scouts and other volunteers descended upon the Ormond Amphitheatre in Bath to help Evan Handy with his Eagle Scout Project and, in the process, repair the hurricane-damaged theater.

“The damage sustained from Hurricane Irene tore down about a third of the theatre and left me feeling somewhat discouraged,” said Judy Downey, the theater owner. “So it was wonderful to see these boys eager and excited to come and build a new walkway.”

Handy, 15, is a former cast member in some of theater’s productions and chose the Amphitheatre in Bath for his project despite the 2 and 1/2 hour drive from his home.  At first, Handy’s parents were skeptical about the distance and support he’d get in a community far from home.

“I knew it would be an effort to complete such a large project that distance from our home,” said David Handy, Evan Handy’s father. “But we believe in the mission of the theatre—to promote family-oriented and uplifting entertainment and activities.”

The theatre sustained over $18,000 worth of damage from the hurricane and insurance coverage will likely only reimburse Downey half that figure. Handy collected nearly $900 for materials by “facebook-ing” other theatre cast members, raising all of the needed money in the week prior to the project. Volunteers from Apex, Raleigh, Greenville, and Washington came to support Handy’s Eagle Scout project and the theater.

“I believe the scouting program is a great way to help teenage guys develop good values and leadership skills,” said Handy. “Service is also good – not only because of the ‘golden rule’ but also it makes you feel better.”

Handy serves his community through Troop 531 and is the second son in the Handy family to achieve Eagle Scout—his older brother received the honor two weeks prior to the Ormond Amphitheater project.

In honor of Handy’s effort to motivate the community and repair the damaged theater, Walk in the Light Productions, the production company that runs the theater, will install a permanent plaque on the theater near the walkway.

“(The project) gave me hope in the theater’s future,” said Downey. “And even more importantly, in this young generation of good deed-doers.”