SOUND OFF: 1/25/12

Published 12:02 am Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sound Off highlights anonymous, brief takes on the news offered via telephone by Daily News readers.


To the Sound Off caller worried about the name of the hospital in Beaufort County: the hospital in Beaufort County no longer belongs to the taxpayers of Beaufort County, so it is of little concern how much money the people who own the hospital spend on naming the hospital.


People will continue buying the newspaper because it has everything that you want to read in it, its informative and the editorial cartoons really show exactly what the Republicans and conservatives have said and done. It is not liberal editorial bias or anything like that. It’s not negativity. It is the truth. They are showing us in cartoon form what the Republicans and conservatives have said and have done. And if you don’t like it, just look at it as the truth.


In response to the person who wants the Daily Bread and Today’s Meditation removed from the Washington Daily News: I have to disagree with you. Myself, I enjoy reading the Daily Bread and Today’s Meditation. It’s a great way to start your day. I would ask that you keep this. The world in turmoil, as it is. I think this is one thing that we all need is more of the Word.


As for the one who thinks Daily Bread and Today’s Meditation should be removed from the paper: Yes, it is 2012, but we still need our spiritual word every day, and this is the Bible Belt. Maybe it will help somebody reach out.


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