More litter on the roads
Published 12:03 am Friday, February 3, 2012
To the Editor:
In this day of tight government budgets, I think I’ve hit on a way for us in Beaufort County to cut a couple of million dollars from our expenses — put more litter on our roadsides. Yes, indeed!
With our FY 2012 solid-waste budget line at some $3.17 million, we can eliminate most of that if we just improve our tendency to spread our trash along our highways. It’s expensive to dispose of it in green boxes and the landfill! The roadsides are free!
Many of our pickup-truck drivers are already doing much more than their share of “redistribution of litter.” You’ve seen these folks as they temporarily store grocery bags, Styrofoam cups, plastic bottles, trash bags, sheets of paper, various wrappers, pieces of insulation, and Bud Light cans in the pickup bed, just to re-distribute it along U.S. Highway 264. Thanks, guys! That’s tons more that we don’t have to dispose of the other way.
And if we really put our minds to it, we could literally cover the entire roadside in stuff. Then the grass gets no light and … no light equals no grass. With no grass, we need no mowing. No mowing means even more savings to us taxpayers.
So, heed the words of that great American, Steve Martin, who said, “Always carry a litter bag in your car. When it gets full, just toss it out the window.”