BCAC a draw for OBX tourists
Published 8:57 pm Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Director Ray Miggs, Curator Jill Landen, and staff of Corolla’s Whalehead Club, Historic House Museum, visited the Beaufort County Arts Council as one of their stops on the Historic Albemarle Tour Tuesday.
Landen said the group takes an educational staff trip every year to explore what’s happening culturally in other areas, as well as new ideas being put in place in facilities similar to the Whalehead Club. Last year, their trip was to Newport, R.I. This year, Miggs said, they decided to tour their “own backyard.”
“We wanted to explore the connection between the Inner Banks and the Outer Banks and the regional promotion that we have yet to take advantage of,” explained Miggs.
The group made stops at the Pocosin Arts Folk School in Columbia, Somerset Place, the historic plantation in Washington County, ending their day at the arts council. The purpose, said Miggs, was to gather information and see for themselves the sites of the Inner Banks—sites they can now share with the many tourists who descend on Corolla and the Whalehead Club each year.
BCAC’s executive director, Joey Toler, and Lynn Lewis, Director of Washington Tourism and Development Authority, greeted the visitors and discussed the close working relationship the TDA and the arts council have shared for several years.
“The two key words are partnership and collaboration,” said Lewis.
The Whalehead Club directors and staff will continue their tour of the historic Inner Banks today with a visit to Bath.