SOUND OFF: 2/29/12

Published 5:59 pm Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sound Off highlights anonymous, brief takes on the news offered via telephone by Daily News readers.

Regarding the Straits of Hormus: what is the status of the Straits of Hormus? Under the law of the sea, which I believe Iran also follows, is it a strait that can be closed by anybody under the laws of the sea?

I suppose it was about time you found someone who likes Gene Lyons’ columns. Incidentally, about the Catholic Church being hypocritical about contraception, the Catholic Church was not being hypocritical. The Catholic Church was being the Catholic Church.

Great editorial about the George Washington birthday celebration. Who exactly decided which group would be invited? Was it city staff, planning department, Washington District Harbor Alliance? Who exactly was it? We want to know.

I think it’s quite interesting that people are upset because Vidant is now trying to level things out to get the record straight because the old Beaufort County Hospital bought out medical facilities it didn’t need and created medical facilities there was need for. So, now Vidant is trying to have to level the field.

In 2008, Obama blamed Bush for the high price of gas and so did the Democrats and the liberal media. You’re the liberal media, and in a recent editorial you said this is not Bush’s or Obama’s fault for the high price of gas. So, where you lying then or are you lying now?

In reference to Sunday’s editorial: I do not feel snubbed in that I was not invited to the private party honoring George Washington. Rather, I feel honored that those movers and shakers allow me to live in their city and pay city taxes to support their moving and shaking.

After today, Chief Mick Reed will no longer be our city’s chief of police. As a resident of Washington, I wish to recognize and thank Chief Reed for the outstanding job he has done in protecting the lives and properties of our residents of our community and for his dedication and professionalism in trying to develop a professional police department. I can still remember when some of our residents threw bricks at our police cars when they drove by. Good luck, Chief Reed.

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