Published 9:08 pm Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Beaufort County Schools promotes character-trait education by way of a system-wide program. The character trait emphasized for March was cleanliness. Students at Northeast Elementary School were nominated for recognition if they exhibited one or more of the following criteria: clean work area, care about keeping the environment clean, neat appearance and demonstrate a clean heart or mind. Each month a nominee from NES’s elementary school, as well as a nominee from the middle school, are submitted to the BCS central office along with nominees from schools across the county. NES fifth-grader Kaylyn Coltrain and eighth-grader Conner Sawyer were nominated to represent NES at the county level. Other NES students honored were Luke Brown, Quayshawn Artis, Kanyon Slade-Credle, Madison Crisp, Nicholas Newberry, Averi Marslender, Noah Manning, Jhirien McCullor, Christopher Slade, Sabrina LaBarge, Reagan Dana, Bailey Dana, Mason Ellis, Mollie Tetterton, Nykedra Spencer, Chyna Hudson, Tamia Ormond, Brandi Garrish and Emily Smith. (BCS Photo)