Letter to the editor: ‘Ignorance is bliss’

Published 8:23 pm Wednesday, January 23, 2013

To the Editor:
“Ignorance is bliss!” This best explains why our four Republican county commissioners are so happy and full of themselves over their recent valueless and stupid resolution regarding the Second and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution which they sent to the president of the United States. By their irrational action, they voted to support the Fox News prejudices and fuel fears among the uninformed for their own personal political gain. Let there be absolutely zero doubt about this. This pathetic petition is designed for their core supporters. Its purpose is to keep them fooled and keep themselves elected, this and nothing more. Therefore, the resolution does not have to contain one fact or truth, and it doesn’t!
Perhaps I missed it, but following the shootings of 20 sixth-graders and six adults, several of them multiple times, at the elementary school in Newtown, Conn., these four Republican commissioners sent no resolution to the grieving citizens of Newtown, Conne., expressing their sorrow and regret that these 26 murdered persons had had their First Amendment rights denied them! Not a word, not a whisper! And this was real, not the fantasy their resolution concerns! What hypocrites!
Their silence and do-nothing regarding the Newtown, Conn., tragedy define their presidential resolution clearly as a  pitiful political gimmick void of merit, moral value, intelligence and an insult and embarrassment to the people of Beaufort County.
What’s next for these four? With ignorance and prejudice the rule, who can say with certainty?
These four commissioners would better serve Beaufort County by trying to solve the many problems facing our Tier 2 county than by passing meaningless resolutions designed to scare, misinform and feed their egos.
Our way of electing commissioners is outdated and broken and ends up with most of the county having no representation on the board, thus “taxation without representation.” Republican Gary Brinn ran to change this, got elected and disappeared?