Local artist hosts Hyde County classes

Published 7:10 pm Thursday, August 8, 2013

Some of Carolyn Sleepers creations, before glazing.

Some of Carolyn Sleepers creations, before glazing.


Clay-worker Carolyn Sleeper, owner of Slatestone Studios in Washington, is not only hauling her work to sell at festivals across the state, now she’s taking her classes on the road too.

Sleeper will teach a class Saturday, Aug. 24, at Hyde County’s historic courthouse, home of the MATTIE Arts Center, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Students who sign up for the class will be building a decorative three-piece table set—a choice of cream, spoon and sugar-packet box; salt and pepper shakers with holders; a sugar and creamer with a tray; and more, according to a statement from Judy McLawhorn, administrator of the MATTIE Arts Center. All supplies will be provided for a $40 fee, McLawhorn said. The morning hours will be reserved for hand-building students’ original creations, while underglazing will take place in the afternoon. The finished fired and glazed artwork will be returned to its owners on Sept. 21.

On Aug. 10, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., MATTIE will also host another Impressionist oil painter Mark Hierholzer, of Richmond, Va., who will teach students the art of portraiture. For more information about Hierholzer’s session, contact Judy McLawhorn at 252-943-8991.