High School, and BCCC Facility Gather
Published 9:38 am Thursday, September 19, 2013

Beaufort County Community College faculty met recently with faculty members from the Beaufort and Hyde County and Columbia Early College High schools on the BCCC campus. High school teachers were paired with BCCC instructors from the same subject area to discuss skills needed for students to be successful as they transition from high school to college course work. Other topics of the meeting included state testing and general curriculum requirements. Pictured at the history group, left to right, are Steve Jones, Hyde County Early College High School liaison; Keith Lyons, BCCC history instructor; Bill Ziegler, Columbia Early College High School history teacher and Jeff Probert, Beaufort County Early College High School teacher. BCCC Director of High School Programs Lisa Hill said the information shared should help high school students as they enter college classes for the first time.