Local preteen to represent state in pageant

Published 11:03 pm Saturday, September 28, 2013

Washington 11-year-old Kayla Wilson was crowned Miss Tar Heel State Preteen and will represent North Carolina in the 2013 Miss American Preteen Pageant in November. NIKOLE WILSON | SUBMITTED

Washington 11-year-old Kayla Wilson was crowned Miss Tar Heel State Preteen and will represent North Carolina in the 2013 Miss American Preteen Pageant in November.

Eleven-year-old Kayla Wilson will be spending her Thanksgiving break at Disney World, but rides won’t be at the top of her priorities.
Kayla will represent North Carolina in the 2013 Miss American Preteen Pageant, after recently being crowned Miss Tar Heel State Preteen.
“Kayla won Spirit of America as well as Most Personality voted on by her peers for most fun, friendliest and nicest to all the other girls in her age category,” said Nikole Wilson, Kayla’s mother. “Kayla also placed in the top five for photo, modeling and ticket sales with two out of the three in second place.”
Kayla, a resident of Washington, is the daughter of Rufus Wilson Jr. and Nikole Wilson. Her mother said she has had a lot of community support preparing for the competition, from practice space offered at Tumble B Gym to routines choreographed locally.
“We would like to thank everyone who made this possible, including all her sponsors and support. It takes a community of support to send her … We could not have done this without you,” Nikole said.
American Coed Pageants, Inc., annually holds state pageants for the purpose of recognizing and rewarding outstanding young women between the ages of three and 22 for their past and present accomplishments and to encourage them to set and achieve high goals for the future.
Kayla will compete for thousands of dollars in cash awards, prizes and scholarships in November’s pageant. Categories run the gamut from speech to best actress and most promising model.
Anyone interested in sponsoring to send Kayla to Nationals may contact Nikole or Rufus Wilson at 252-946-1314 or 252-947-1379.