Fish fry! Jeptha sells Friday meals for charity

Published 7:26 pm Thursday, October 10, 2013

Jeptha Chapter No. 1 of the Order of the Eastern Star will have a heaping helping of fresh trout ready for Friday’s lunch.

From 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., the organization will serve $7 fish dinners (per plate) and $3 sandwiches at Hiram Lodge, 506 Respess St., Washington. The chapter will offer free delivery for five or more dinner plates ordered.

“The fish fries are dinners or sandwiches, cole slaw, potatoes and hushpuppies,” said member Eltha Booth.

She has enlisted her husband, Ed, to fry trout for the meals. Member Carolyn Moore said Ed Booth’s fish would not disappoint.

“He loves to cook. He’s like a gourmet cook,” she said.

Formed in 1882, Jeptha Chapter No. 1 was the first Order of the Eastern Star organization in the state, said Moore. She joined six years ago.

“I’ve always wanted to be a part of an organization that was well-known in the United States and values sisterhood,” she said.

Funds raised from Friday’s fish dinner and sandwich sales will be used to fund scholarships and buy items for holiday baskets the organization delivers to local nursing homes. The chapter distributed fruit baskets last year at Thanksgiving and blankets at Christmas.

“We try to help the elderly in the community,” Moore said.

The organization’s next event will be a dinner cruise on the Spirit of Norfolk on Nov. 16. The three-hour cruise down the Potomac River will feature a three-course meal, live music and dancing. Tickets are $100 for singles or $175 for couples. The deadline to register is Monday.

“It’s just a great way to meet your neighbors and have a good time,” Moore said.

To order a fish dinner or sandwich or to learn more about the cruise, call chapter members Eltha Booth (402-9964), Rosa Barrett (721-9900) or Carolyn Moore (975-1986).