Make a Wish Eastern North Carolina Holds Special Ceremony for Tyrrell County Child
Published 10:54 am Thursday, November 14, 2013

Onlookers witness a ceremony for Sophia Ziegler who was granted a wish from the Make a Wish Foundation at the Columbia Wildcats’ last regular season game.
Make a Wish Eastern North Carolina held a special ceremony for Sophia Ziegler as part of its annual Season of Wishes campaign,at halftime of the Columbia Wildcats final regular season football game.
Sophia,5, received details of her wish during a surprise ceremony. Sophia, whose father William is a teacher and member of the coaching staff, was honored by the team. The high school band played the well known “When You Wish Upon A Star” to help celebrate her wish. Sophia and her family will travel to Florida on December 27 for six days.
Make A Wish Eastern North Carolina grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human condition with hope, strength, and joy. Founded in 1986, the chapter serves all medically eligible children who reside in the 49 counties east of the Orange/ Alamance county line. The chapter operates solely through generous donations of individuals, corporations and foundations.
With the help of more than 209 volunteers, including the Board of Directors, Make a Wish Eastern North Carolina has granted more than 2,600 wishes since its inception. More than 30 wishes representing 19 counties of eastern North Carolina will be granted before the end of the calendar year. 200 wishes will be granted in the 49 counties of eastern North Carolina.
“Sophia was referred to us and we matched her with her wish granters. Her wish granters went to her home and learned about her autoimmune disorder, which was histiocytosis,” said Kristen Johnson, President and CEO of Make-A-Wish Foundation of Eastern North Carolina.
Make a Wish candidates are often referred by parents or medical professionals.
“First we make sure that they have the medical condition that they say they have. Our medical advisors work with their doctors. Our volunteers meet the family and our office in Raleigh works on the logistics of the wish. Our wishes are as unique as the 200 kids that we grant wishes for each year,” said Johnson.
55 percent of Make Wish kids go to Disney World. Other gifts might include a shopping spree or a computer. Ages for recipients range from 2 to 18.
Ziegler stated that his daughter has Histiocytosis X, it is a rare disease that is seen roughly in only 1 of 200,000 people.
“ It is treated in the same manner as cancer, through chemotherapy. Sophia has gone through two cycles of chemotherapy, the most recent ending a little over a year ago,” said Ziegler.
Ziegler also said that the presentation of Sophia’s wish being granted was amazing.
“Knowing what she has gone through for the last three years and seeing her beam tonight just leaves us speechless, words can not give justice to our appreciation and thanks to the Tyrrell County schools, Make-A-Wish, and the community.
First, thank you to Make-A-Wish for granting Sophia’s wish of a trip to Disney! Thank you to Mrs. Manning for allowing Make-A-Wish to suprise Sophia at the football game, Soph loves our Wildcats! Also, special thanks to the planner of the presentation, Mrs Ramona Armstrong, it was absolutely perfect! Thanks also to Mr Richard Edwards and the school band, who on relative short notice beautifully played “When you Wish Upon a Star”.
Thank you to the football team and Quinton Reynolds for presenting Sophia with a signed team jersey. Thanks to the cheerleaders for their support and always looking out for Soph. Thanks to Maryann Armstrong for the flowers and balloons and tolerating cold temperatures while dressed as a Disney princess. Thank you to all the elementary school faculty and staff that came out to support Sophia, you always go above and beyond. And thanks to Columbia, our small town with a big heart, this is a great place where we all live”

Onlookers witness a ceremony for Sophia Ziegler who was granted a wish from the Make a Wish Foundation at the Columbia Wildcats’ last regular season game.