Richlands Senior Club of Aurora

Published 8:25 pm Saturday, May 17, 2014

Richland Senior Club of Aurora


The Richland Senior Club of Aurora met May 6, 2014 at 10:30. The meeting was called to order by President MarLou Reid. Club members repeated the Lord’s Prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. President Reid welcomed visitor Caterina Singer. She is member Hugh Donohue’s graddaughter. Secretary Myra Mayo called the roll with 25 members present. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Treasurer Annette Smith gave her report. Ann Cayton gave her card report. She mailed out ‘get well’ cards and also Easter cards to our shut-ins. Martha Brown gave her birthday card report.

Sandy Trimmer won the 50/50 drawing this month. She will put it to good use buying club scrapbook supplies.

Plans were finalized for a trolley tour of New Bern on May 13 with lunch at Baker’s Square. The bus will pick up the Blounts Creek group at 8:30 a.m. and the Aurora group at 9 a.m. Also on June 3, the club will have a cruise of the Neuse and lunch at Lawson’s Landing in New Bern rather than having our regular meeting. The Blounts Creek group will be picked up at 8:15 and the Aurora group at 8:45. We still plan to go to Selma for the American Music Jubilee in the fall.

President Reid asked the club about our thoughts for having a fashion show fundraiser next spring, possibly around Easter. Members thought it would be a good idea. A committee was formed to pursue this. The members of this committee are: Alice Briley, MarLou Reid, Carol Stokes, Myra Shields, Annette Smith and Shirley Nanney.

Alice Briley thanked Allen and Annette Smith for their hard work on the club’s yard. Members gave them a round of applause.

Carol Stokes asked the blessing and everyone enjoyed a covered dish luncheon.


Jonell Barber, Vice president