Young professionals meet next week
Published 6:56 pm Monday, June 16, 2014
The Washington-Beaufort County Chamber of Commerce is hosting its bi-monthly Young Professionals networking meeting June 26 at Apollo’s Steakhouse on Stewart Parkway.
Chamber officals want young professionals between the ages of 18 and 40 in Beaufort County to network and meet new people from around the county, by getting away from the computer and get out of their office.
“We have done several of these throughout the last year of the program,” said Catherine Glover, executive director of the Chamber. “Apollo’s is going to be our next networking place.”
Along with networking, chamber officials are searching for leadership skills in individuals to be voices in the community. In the fall, the Chamber is hosting a leadership day at the Boy Scouts ropes course at Camp Boddie.
“Networking is just a piece of what we’re doing,” Glover said. “There are different committees in the Chamber that are doing a lot with the young professionals.”
The group has helped the younger members with resume writing classes held at Beaufort County Community College in the last year as well.
“They are the future leaders and we want to get them involved early,” Glover said.
There are currently 85 members of the Washington-Beaufort County Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals group.
“This age group is a dynamic group of leaders in the community and that they can make a lot of change and be a very active group,” Glover said. “So we decided to form that committee and just found they are taking off.”
The Chamber provides food and drinks at the Young Professional networking sessions.
“We try to get people face-to-face with each other so they can build those relationships,” Glover said.
For more information about the Young Professionals group visit the Washington-Beaufort County Chamber of Commerce website at