Participation equals educated voters
Published 7:55 pm Thursday, October 16, 2014

CANDIDATES: Monday night at Beaufort County Community College, political candidates met to tell about their platforms. Pictured, left to right, are event moderator Austin Smithwick and Beaufort County Clerk of Superior Court candidates Jimbo Shiver, Eva Buck and Marty Paramore.
Monday night, a forum was held for political candidates at Beaufort County Community College. The forum featured candidates for Beaufort County Clerk of Superior Court, Beaufort County Commissioner and Beaufort County Sheriff.
All 10 local candidates participated in the forum, which demonstrated their dedication and willingness to express their views and opinions to the public. It was obvious they were eager to tell the public about their platforms.
There was a good turnout for the forum — over 200 people attended. The turnout showed that residents of Beaufort County were interested in hearing what the candidates had to say and care about the future of the county.
Exercising the right to vote is everyone’s civic duty. However, there is more involved in voting than just showing up to fill out a ballot. Becoming educated on what each candidate stands for and hearing their views on a variety of issues is a big part of being able to cast a vote. Anyone can blindly vote for someone looking to serve in a public capacity, but to become educated about the candidates and formulating an educated vote is really exercising one’s civic duty.
During the forum, everyone was courteous and respectful toward one another, regardless of views, opinions or political affiliation. This showed the level of maturity and professionalism exercised by candidates and attendees alike. It was, all in all, a productive night for Beaufort County and perhaps showed a glimpse of the near future — teamwork, respect, progress. Beaufort County is at a crossroads right now in regard to what direction to take on a variety of issues. Hopefully, the maturity and respect exercised at the forum is foresight on the county’s future leadership.
The forum was filmed, and for those who missed it, it can be viewed online on the Washington Daily News website at