Celebrating the changing of the season in Hyde
Published 6:37 pm Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A GREAT VIEW: Pictured is a view from the boardwalk behind the Mattamuskeet Lodge in Swan Quarter.
For the Daily News
Hyde County is the place to be in the last weekend of October as there are many activities to celebrate the changing of the seasons.
The 2014 Downeast Arts and Crafts Show will be held on Oct. 25, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. This is the ninth year for the annual show held in Swan Quarter and is a great place for early Christmas shoppers to browse. The activities will be held in the parking garage under the Hyde Government Center. There will be live music all day and many new venders will be coming to expand the show. There are still a few places left for those wishing to have a booth. You may call Elizabeth Gurganus at 252 945-0748 for more information.
Across the lane, the Swan Quarter Fire Department will be serving their delicious fried fish plates. They have fresh local fish, hush puppies, slaw and potatoes, all of which are cooked up by the SQVFD volunteers. This is an important part of their fundraising activities for the firehouse.
Across the court yard square, the MATTIE Arts Center will be open so visitors can see the latest happenings and view the gallery’s artwork and find out about arts and crafts classes that are offered on a regular basis. The down draft studio is becoming well known for the carving classes with a dust free atmosphere.
Pumpkin carving and decorating will be held at the Joan Sears Art Gallery at Lake Landing on Oct. 25 from 2 p.m. to 5 pm. Small pumpkins will be provided for little hands and adults may bring their own. This is a fun and creative activity for all ages. For young carvers this is an excellent preliminary to decoy carving. To register for a place in the pumpkin carving workshop and upcoming decoy workshops call Joan Sears at 252-925-4641.
For those who want a real treat in the outdoors, the boardwalk behind the Mattamuskeet Lodge is a great place to view the beautiful color changes we get this time of year while enjoying the local birds and wildlife in their natural habitat. The ducks, geese and swan are beginning to pile in as well, promising a great waterfowl season. The new Mattamuskeet Wildlife Center is a must see while visiting there with beautiful wildlife exhibits and educational displays.
Enjoy a trip to Hyde where the changing colors of the fields and woodlands and migrating birds will lighten you spirit and activities during the weekend will keep you entertained.