United Way launches Harley raffle
Published 6:10 pm Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Beaufort County United Way has launched a different kind of fundraiser—one where the lucky winner will drive away on his or her own Harley-Davidson motorcycle.
Tickets are $10, only 3,000 will be sold, and the winner of the 2014 Harley-Davidson Sportster will be named at the Oct. 17 drawing during downtown Washington’s annual barbecue festival, Smoke on the Water.
United Way Executive Director Sally Love said the fundraiser was one of many fundraisers she and the Beaufort County United Way board are bringing to fruition this year.
“It’s to raise money for our campaign and it will go toward our community impact that we’re working on for next year,” Love said. “It turns out to be a good fundraiser without a lot of time, preparation and it kind of takes care of itself.”
Finding ways to raise money for local agencies like Boys & Girls Club of Beaufort County, 24/7 emergency hotline Real Crisis, domestic violence shelter Ruth’s House, Literacy Volunteers, among many others, is how BC United Way has previously operated, but leadership is looking to take the agency in a new direction: finding the gaps in areas that impact income, health and education of Beaufort County residents, and working to both fun, and fill, them.
“We’re trying to move to a community impact through programs rather than partners,” Love said. “We’re looking at more measurable results with programs. … The big thing is that our response to our community needs, depends on community giving. The more funds we can raise, the more programs we can fun and agencies we can help.”
From now until October, those funds will be steadily streaming in from those hoping to win a new Sportster from Hometown Harley-Davidson in Winterville. For more information about the raffle, call 252-975-6209, or visit www.unitedwaybc.net. Tickets are available for purchase on the website.