‘Tis the season
Published 3:43 pm Monday, November 16, 2015

THE GIVING TREE: A Christmas tree is surrounded by toys donated by local book clubs for Toys for Tots. The annual Toys for Tots Christmas gathering of Beaufort County book clubs is set for Dec. 3 this year.
Over the past few weekends, the decorations have slowly started to make their appearance — a few lights here, a peek of a Christmas tree through a window there. Even before the orange bags Halloween candy had left the shelves, they were being crowded by new shipments of red and green Christmas candy.
“‘Tis the season” seems to happen earlier each year.
While everyone, at some point, feels the stress of the holidays — whether that’s the pressure of cooking a big family meal, getting the house in shape for guests, decorating, or getting all that Christmas shopping done — it’s important to get ahead of the game. In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, which is here one second and gone the next, one thing may drop off Santa’s radar. And it’s an important thing — giving.
Salvation Army has its Angel Tree, ornamented with names and wish lists of local children who likely won’t get much under the tree this year. Beaufort-Hyde Partnership for Children has a similar program for children in its Parents as Teachers program. Toys for Tots has long list of children in need in Beaufort County. Eagle’s Wings food pantry likely sees its supplies dwindle during the holidays and could use a boost. The clients of Ruth’s House, the domestic violence shelter, would probably appreciate someone making their Christmas in the shelter a little bit brighter through gifts of supplies or donations. Zion Shelter and Kitchen, the county’s only homeless shelter, has struggled this year to keep its doors open — they could really use the gift of money for utilities and supplies.
These entities are just a small sample of the ways to help the many in need this holiday. Donations won’t go elsewhere. These nonprofits serve the residents of Beaufort County.
Help make someone’s Christmas a little bit brighter, be it with a toy for a child or food for a struggling family. Sharing the joy of the holiday is not a suggestion, it’s an inherent part of Christmas.