S.W. Snowden celebrates Veterans Day
Published 6:30 pm Wednesday, November 18, 2015

(Clockwise from bottom left): Local veterans enjoy a delicious breakfast before the Veterans Day Assembly; second grader Makiyah Clark reads her composition while teacher Stacia Abbe assists with the microphone; in the foreground is WWII Army veteran Ann Windley, who was looking forward to the SWS students’ created ceremony; SWS parent Ken Adams captures student productions during the Veterans Day Assembly.
On Nov. 10, the Aurora community and S.W. Snowden came together to honor local veterans. A scrumptious breakfast was hosted in the band room provided by the school’s staff and community members for our men and ladies. In the gymnasium, an informative slide show about the history of Veterans Day and the branches of the armed forces was displayed and narrated by middle-school authors. The band serenaded the esteemed veterans and each grade presented a thankful message and cards.