BCCC Briefs: Dec. 6, 2015
Published 1:59 pm Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Beaufort County Community College students were recognized for the character trait “inquisitive” for BCCC’s Best for the month of November. Pictured from left to right are Mason Clement, Denise Bolafka, Will Mumford, Lydia O’Neal, Kenyana Smith, Casey Powell, Kizzy Hodges, Sanfara Christian, Sam Ainsworth, William Equils and Kyle Pontieri.
Inquisitive students cited as “BCCC’s Best” for November
Eleven students at Beaufort County Community College were recognized as BCCC’s Best in a ceremony in the student lounge on Nov. 24. The students were recognized for the character trait “inquisitive” and were nominated by members of the faculty and staff.
Those honored were Mason Clement, Denise Bolafka, Will Mumford, Lydia O’Neal, Kenyana Smith, Casey Powell, Kizzy Hodges, Sanfara Christian, Sam Ainsworth, William Equils and Kyle Pontieri. Vice President of Student Services Rick Anderson and the nominating faculty or staff member presented each student with a certificate and outlined the reasons for the nomination.
Several of the nominating faculty members mentioned that these are students who do not hesitate to ask questions in class, which is beneficial in several ways.
“Denise always asks questions to better understand the subject matter, and the other students learn through her questions,” said early childhood education instructor Caroline Hardee. “She seeks information for her own benefit, not just for the grade.”
These are students who come to class prepared to learn and can often be found in the library when they’re not in class, added Michele Mayo, director of admissions. Another teacher joked that her student’s questions contributed to the flow of the class discussion so well that other students might think she had been prompted to ask them.
Each month, BCCC’s Best highlights a character trait found in students such as motivation, respect, hard work, commitment and involvement in the college.
Nursing legacy
The BCCC practical nursing (PN) class of 2015 left funds to provide scholarships for the PN class of 2016. Students were given the opportunity to apply for this scholarship by providing a letter of need and demonstrating good academic standing. Nursing faculty members have selected three students from the class of 2015 to receive the scholarships. They are (from left) Danisha Couther, Brittany Roulhac and Linda Buck.
Congratulations to each of these students.
Upcoming personal enrichment classes
The Division of Continuing Education at Beaufort County Community College has announced its schedule of personal enrichment classes for spring 2016. Watch this space for additional classes in the coming weeks. All classes will be held on the BCCC campus. Gift certificates are available and make perfect stocking stuffers.
The schedule is as follows:
Cake Decorating I, 6-8:30 p.m., Mondays, April 11 to May 16, in room 830 of Building 8. Michelle Daniels will teach students to decorate cakes, cookies and cupcakes. Learn to master elegant borders using shells, rosettes and stars, and create flowers such as rosebuds, sweet peas and pansies. Registration fee is $45.
Cake Decorating II, 6-8:30 p.m., Mondays, Jan. 25 to Feb. 29, in room 829 of Building 8. Students will build on the skills mastered in Cake Decorating I and add new features to their cakes and cupcakes. Learn to work with fondant to make smooth, beautiful and detailed decorations. Supply list is available upon registration. Registration fee is $45.
Crocheting, 2-5 p.m., Thursdays, Feb. 11 to March 17, in room 829 of Building 8. Students will learn to crochet an afghan or make any number of other crocheted projects. This workshop-style class is designed for beginners and more advanced needle workers alike. A supply list will be supplied upon registration. Registration fee is $35.
Quilting, 6-9 p.m., Tuesdays, Feb. 16 to March 22, in room 830 of Building 8. Quilting returns to BCCC’s personal enrichment schedule, thanks to the support of the Pamlico River Quilters’ Guild. Debby Hodges will teach participants the basics of cutting, piecing, sewing seams and quilting. Registration fee is $35.
Your Own Sewing Machine, 9 a.m. to noon OR 6-9 p.m., Thursdays, Jan. 21 and 28, in room 830 of Building 8. Reconnect with that sewing machine buried in the closet. Participants will bring their own sewing machines and relearn (or discover) their features. Registration fee is $25.
Sewing – Window Treatments, 9 a.m. to noon OR 6-9 p.m., Thursdays, Feb. 18 to March 17, in room 830 of Building 8. Participants will learn sewing skills and increase their confidence for future projects as they create simple curtains and valances using their own sewing machines or BCCC’s. Registration fee is $55.
Kitchen Design Workshop, 9 a.m. to noon, March 8, OR 6-8:30 p.m., March 9, in room 828 of Building 8. Stacey Fuldner of Coverings by Design will host this workshop to help participants plan updates or renovations for their own kitchens. Registration fee is $20.
2-Stroke Small Engine Repair, 6-9 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays, Feb. 16 to March 10, in room 103 of the Building 8 Annex. The first class in the Small Engine Repair series will focus on two-stroke engines. Students will gain the skill needed to diagnose, repair and maintain small engines including weed eaters, tillers, chainsaws, leaf blowers and small lawn mowers. Participants are encouraged to bring their own equipment to repair. Registration fee of $81.25 includes $1.25 accident insurance fee.
4-Stroke Small Engine Repair, 6-9 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 22 to April 21, in room 103 of the Building 8 Annex. This class continues the Small Engine Repair series. Students will gain hands-on knowledge of four-cycle engines, paying special attention to carburetors, and are encouraged to bring in their own engines. Registration fee of $96.25 includes accident insurance fee.
Students may register by calling 252-940-6375 or in person in room 802 of Building 8 on the BCCC campus. BCCC accepts Visa, MasterCard and Discover. Checks payable to Beaufort County Community College may be mailed to the attention of Eva Peartree, 5337 U.S. Highway 264 East, Washington, NC 27889.
For more information regarding these courses, contact Clay Carter, director of personal enrichment initiatives, at 252-940-6357 or Clay.Carter@BeaufortCCC