Eastern Elementary students perform acts of kindness
Published 5:29 pm Wednesday, December 16, 2015

ACTS OF KINDNESS: Eastern Elementary School students in Jennifer Walker, Gina Resendez, Lauren Hodges and Marsha Young’s kindergarten class participated in “Random Acts of Kindness” throughout the month of December. The students completed a variety of kind things for other classes, teachers and staff members at EES. The kids learned about the importance of giving and doing something nice for others without expecting something in return. Our goal was to not only spread Christmas cheer, but to make being kind to others a contagious, everyday occurrence. Some of the acts of kindness included: cleaning other classes’ lunch tables and classrooms, giving out candy and stickers, Christmas caroling, writing nice things about the school nurse, decorating smartboards, drawing holiday pictures on the sidewalk in front of a class, making Christmas cards for the cafeteria ladies and sending holiday messages to the special area teachers. We hope this can encourage you to do some random acts of kindness in the community to spread everyday joy all year long!