Aldermen consider vaping ban

Published 4:07 pm Tuesday, February 2, 2016

VAPING IS THE USE OF ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES, battery-powered vaporizers that simulate the feeling of smoking, but without tobacco. The user inhales an aerosol typically containing propylene  glycol, glycerin, nicotine and flavorings. Mayor pro-tem Midge Ogletree on Jan. 4 suggested that the board of aldermen ought to consider prohibiting vaping wherever smoking is banned in Columbia. No action was taken. (courtesy photo)

VAPING IS THE USE OF ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES, battery-powered vaporizers that simulate the feeling of smoking, but without tobacco. The user inhales an aerosol typically containing propylene glycol, glycerin, nicotine and flavorings. Mayor pro-tem Midge Ogletree on Jan. 4 suggested that the board of aldermen ought to consider prohibiting vaping wherever smoking is banned in Columbia. No action was taken. (courtesy photo)