BCCC Briefs: Feb. 13-14, 2016
Published 5:28 pm Friday, February 12, 2016

MOTIVATED: Eight Beaufort County Community College students were recognized as “BCCC’s Best” and were cited for being motivated. Pictured (front row, from left) were Sonia Martinez, Cruise Gibbs, Sarah Allender, Marilyn Howard, Debra Latham and Kyle Pontieri; (back row) Vice President of Student Services Rick Anderson, Sheryll Dodge and Director of Counseling Kimberly Jackson.
From Beaufort County Community College
8 recognized as ‘BCCC’s Best’
Eight students at Beaufort County Community College were recognized as “BCCC’s Best” in a ceremony held recently on the college campus.
Those honored were Kyle Pontieri of Chocowinity, Cruise Gibbs of Engelhard, Marilyn Howard of Rocky Mount, Sheryll Dodge of Swan Quarter, and Sarah Allender, Charles Equils, Debra Latham and Sonia Martinez of Washington.
The eight were cited for the character trait “motivated” or “someone who is driven to be successful in class or in life in general.”
During the ceremony attended by BCCC faculty and staff and guests of the honorees, Vice President of Student Services Rick Anderson and the nominating faculty or staff member presented each student with a certificate that contained the description of his or her activities.
Each month “BCCC’s Best” highlights a character trait found in students, such as motivation, respect, hard work, commitment and involvement in the college.
The character trait for February is “respectful.” Nominations may be submitted to Kimberly Jackson, director of counseling, by email at kimberlyj@beaufortccc.edu.
BCCC gardening classes to focus on help for pollinators

FLOWER TALK: Attila Nemecz and Jennifer Woolard talk with Billy Ray Askew (right) about the various ways to propagate Seashore Mallow, a wildflower native to eastern North Carolina that adapts easily to garden culture and is a great plant for pollinators.
The Division of Continuing Education at Beaufort County Community College is offering two classes for organic gardeners this winter and spring: “Organic Gardening” began Thursday, Feb. 11, and “More Organic Gardening” begins March 24.
In “Organic Gardening,” instructor Billy Ray Askew will focus on sustainable growing methods for vegetable and ornamental gardens. Students will learn about compost, mulching and managing pests, among other topics. The registration fee is $45.
In “More Organic Gardening,” students will learn to propagate plans and start seeds in BCCC’s new greenhouse. They will also learn to propagate and tend roses organically.
Attila Nemecz and Jennifer Woolard recently met at Beaufort County Community College with Askew, agri-business technology instructor at BCCC, to lend help to upcoming gardening classes at the college. Nemecz and Woolard are members of the Pamlico Albemarle Wildlife Conservationists, part of the N.C. Wildlife Federation. BCCC is part of that organization’s efforts to support bees, butterflies and other insects that pollinate plants.
For more information about the class, contact Clay Carter, director of Personal Enrichment Initiatives, at 252-940-6357 or by email at clay.carter@beaufortccc.edu.
Class offered in forklift operations
The Division of Continuing Education will offer a class to train participants in forklift operations, Feb. 20, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at the Beaufort County Skills Center, 705 Page Road in Washington.
Instructor William Cherry will present training based on the National Safety Council’s Forklift Training Program. Students in this class will review forklift operation, inspection and safe use of a forklift truck.
Students will also learn to inspect the struck and determine lift limitations, among other topics. At the end of the class, students will demonstrate proper use of a forklift by completing an obstacle course, along with an inspection of the forklift.
The total of cost of the program is $77.25 and includes a $70 registration fee, a required textbook and wallet card from the National Safety Council and student insurance.
For information about this class, contact Lou Stout, director of Workforce Initiatives, at 252-940-6307 or by email at lou.stout@beaufortccc.edu.
Students may register for these Personal Enrichment or Workforce Initiative classes by calling 252-940-6375 or in person in room 802 of Building 8 on the BCCC campus. BCCC accepts Visa, Mastercard and Discover. Checks payable to Beaufort County Community College may be mailed to the attention of Eva Peartree, 5337 U.S. Highway 264 East, Washington, NC 27889.