Washington’s Salvation Army assists flood victims
Published 4:37 pm Monday, September 26, 2016
From the Salvation Army of Washington
The Salvation Army of Washington has been requested by emergency management officials to provide feeding and hydration support in response to flooding in Bertie County.
Heavy, sustained rainfall from Tropical Storm Julia caused the Cashie River to rise, causing floods in Windsor.
“The Salvation Army is here to support the needs of those impacted by the flooding in our community,” said Capt. Bruce Rabon, corps officer of the Salvation Army of Washington. “We are also prepared to help victims replace clothing and household items once they return home.”
Feeding and hydration support began Friday, and as of Saturday afternoon, the Salvation Army had provided 250 meals and drinks to flood survivors and first responders.
On Sunday, the Salvation Army fed the community for lunch and supper. Service will continue as long as the Salvation Army is needed.
The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services team is often the first on the scene and the last to leave, bringing immediate aid as well as emotional and spiritual care to individuals and families whose lives have been affected.
The best way to help disaster survivors is through financial contributions, which allow disaster responders to immediately meet the needs of the community.
By phone:
252-946- 2523
By mail:
The Salvation Army
P.O. Box 877
Washington, NC 27889
Please designate checks “Bertie County Floods” in the memo.
For the latest emergency disaster services news from the Salvation Army, follow the social feed on Twitter @salarmyeds or visit www.disaster.salvationarmyusa.org.