Roads flooded following Tropical Storm Julia
Published 2:41 pm Friday, September 30, 2016
- TYRRELL COUNTY SCHOOL BUS 103 backed into a ditch on Burrus Road in an attempt to turn around after delivering a kindergartener to her front door during heavy rainfall Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 21. Students were taken home in another bus, and no one was injured in the incident, a school official said. (contributed photo)
Heavy rainfall and adverse winds associated with the remnants of Tropical Storm Julia produced some roadway flooding in Tyrrell County on Wednesday, Sept. 21, the last day of summer.
Water covered areas along North Road Street, Riders Creek Road, Cross Landing Road, N.C. 94 South and Old 64 Road at times, but it had mostly receded by Thursday morning, Sheriff Darryl Liverman said.
Tyrrell County Public Schools closed at 1 p.m. Wednesday.
During a heavy downpour Bus 103 backed into a ditch on Burrus Road, a dead-end off Spruill’s Bridge Road east of Creswell, while attempting a turnaround after delivering a kindergartener closer to her front door, which was some distance from the public road, explained Dr. Jana Rawls, school district personnel, testing and transportation director.
“The child’s mother took the few students on the bus into her home until another bus arrived,” Dr. Rawls said. “She was just great; wonderful!”
A wrecker summoned from Plymouth returned Bus 103 to the roadway. No injuries were reported.
“Roadways throughout northeastern North Carolina are experiencing flooding due to the remnants of Tropical Storm Julia, with Bertie and Chowan counties seeing the worst conditions,” an NC Transportation media release stated late Wednesday afternoon.
“Numerous roads are closed due to high water or wash outs, prompting transportation officials to urge residents to stay off the roads until road conditions improve,” the release continued.
U.S. 17 was closed in both directions north of Windsor until Thursday morning, and several other primary routes had closures.
Wesley Hopkins, Tyrrell’s emergency management director, went to Bertie County Thursday to assist with recovery efforts there.
The National Weather Service reported Thursday morning the Cashie River rose seven feet in seven hours, cresting at 14.5 feet at Windsor.
Several residents of Windsor House, an assisted living facility near the Cashie River, were transferred temporarily to Tyrrell House in Columbia until flood waters recede, Janet Elliott, Tyrrell House administrator, said Thursday afternoon.
Area news media reported water service interruptions in parts of Chowan County Thursday due to road washouts.
State Transportation Secretary Nick Tennyson toured parts of Bertie and Chowan counties Thursday to survey the extent of flooding and assess damage to roadways and bridges.