Write Again . . . Agree, or disagree?
Published 4:46 pm Monday, October 31, 2016
Readers of this column, being unusually intelligent, inquisitive, observant, perceptive, and, well, just about every other superlative one might imagine, have noticed, I’m sure, that folks love to come up with lists of their favorite whatever.
You know, movies, actors, authors, sports, athletes, foods, beers, wines, places, activities and just about anything else. Newspaper columnists certainly aren’t immune to this urge.
And so. Guess what I’m “fixin’” to do. You got it. I’m going to make a list too. About my favorite things? No. About some of my least favorite things. Now, this should endear me to some folks. (That’s a joke, friends.)
In no rank-order here are some of my least favorite things.
Professional sports. I’d rather watch the weeds in my yard grow than sit through some professional games. What a waste of one’s time. Of my time, at least.
TV sitcoms. Lord, help us. It’s mostly mindless drivel, with predictable one-liners, exaggerated facial expressions and “canned” laughter added to the sound track. It’s all terrible.
Reality TV shows. Some of these are an insult even to the intelligence of someone who has had a lobotomy.
Ultimate fighting. I think that’s what it’s called. The lions vs Christians in the arenas of Rome had more class.
Morning breakfast gatherings of angry old white guys. God bless ’em. I like just about all of them, but do they ever more become exorcised over politics. Some become angry. Red-faced. Downright strident. My pacemaker can’t take such rancor. Too upsetting.
Dogs on chains or tied by a rope to something, who spend much of their lives so fettered. Would that their owners were made to spend just one day and night so constrained. How they treat these animals is unconscionable. A Southern thing.
Demeaning and insulting someone’s physical appearance. To say to or about someone hurtful things as regards their weight, or lack thereof (this I know about), is rude and unacceptable.
Using one’s religious views to seek political advantage, usually in a very “unChristian” way, is reprehensible. Such self-righteous bias is despicable. Christian, it isn’t.
People who draw up list of things they object to or condemn smacks of hubris. (Wait! Wait! How’d that get in here? Who said that?)
Enough, already.
I’ll wager (No, I won’t. I don’t bet on anything.) that some of you, reader friends, could come up with a list of your own.
Let’s meet back here again next Tuesday.
‘Til then.