Write Again . . . A ‘willing suspension’

Published 2:53 pm Monday, February 13, 2017

There is a saying, known to those in theatre — and by many who love theatre — that is the essence, or the key to, of gaining the most out of any theatrical endeavor.

To do this one must have a “willing suspension of disbelief.”

If you would, kind reader, please read this phrase again: The “willing suspension of disbelief.”

How true. I believe, also, that this perspective lends itself to one’s approach to religion. To faith.

This is not a derogation, by any means, of one’s religious belief. Such views are predicated, to one degree or another, by one’s willingness to “believe in things unseen.”

It is interesting, though, that those whose religious beliefs, the bedrock of their faith, hold to their perspective as absolutely right and that any view not in conformity with theirs — within or without Christianity — is wrong.

So too, of course, do those of other religions, across that broad spectrum, “know” that their particular beliefs are the only truths, and that all differing ones, both within or without their own religion, are, of course, wrong.

Now that, friends, is just how it is; how it always has been. And a wise person knows not to “go there,” with even a slightly different view or understanding, with any who are absolutely convinced of the rectitude of their beliefs. Listen, if you must, but don’t speak.

One could say that the same obtains regarding political views. Proceed with caution; no, just don’t “go there” either.

If pressed to articulate my own religious philosophy, I think the key word for me would be “hope.” There are things I hope for in that which lies beyond this life as we know it.

These hopes that I have may or may not be the reality to come. They are just mine. Beyond that, I would be hesitant to enter into conversational discourse, or to write about. Experience has taught me to be guarded in this regard.

Anyway, such meanderings on my part probably aren’t the stuff of a good column. If so, please let me apologize if I’ve wasted anyone’s time.

If you are so inclined, then let’s meet here again next Tuesday. I’d like that.


APROPOS — “Man is a credulous animal, and must believe in something . . .”

— Bertrand Russell