Welcoming the new Board of Aldermen

Published 11:11 am Tuesday, December 12, 2017

James W. Cahoon took the oath of office as mayor, and Hal Fleming, Seth Gibbs, and Bryan Owens were sworn in as aldermen of the Town of Columbia on December 4. Superior Court clerk Angie Sexton administered the oaths.

Mayor Cahoon then presented plaques to outgoing Mayor F. Michael Griffin and former Alderman Ray Marner in appreciation for each’s 10 years of service to the town.

Sandra Owens, senior alderman who is beginning her 11th year in office, was elected mayor pro-tempore.

Average age of mayor and aldermen dropped from 64.8 years for the board that met in November to 52 years for the new board that will govern the town’s affairs for the next two years.

The event signaled the first time in decades that a majority of newcomers had been elected and seated at one time.

It is also the first board in more than 40 years without an African American member. (No black residents filed for town office in this year’s election.)

For the first time, the mayor’s term is for four years rather than two. The aldermen serve four-year terms.

Lloyd Armstrong and Sandra Owens marked the midpoint of their current terms, which expire on December 2, 2019.