N.C. Digital Learning Initiatives grant awarded to Tyrrell County Schools
Published 11:58 pm Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Tyrrell County Schools recently received word that its NC Digital Learning Initiatives grant for $38,000 has been funded, Dr. Will Hoffman, superintendent, reported.
The proposed grant budget includes funding for up to 12 mobile hotspots for student checkout, Wi-Fi on three buses, a district-wide subscription to SimpleK12.com online professional development, up to 26 iPads in kindergarten, and funding to send a group of about 12 to the May 2018 convening.
“Tyrrell County is underserved by broadband providers in all service categories, thus students have fewer options for completing digital assignments outside of the classroom and greater obstacles to overcome in distance learning courses,” Dr. Hoffman explained. “Our digital learning initiative is hampered by teachers’ inability to make whole class assignments that require work to be completed outside of class.”
Grades kindergarten through second have yet to benefit from the 1:1 digital learning initiative active in the rest of the grade levels, he stated.
“Congratulations to Mr. Allen Lee for writing the grant and leading the initiative,” Dr. Hoffman concluded.