Rotary donates to homeless fundraiser
Published 4:04 pm Monday, January 1, 2018
HOMELESS FOR A NIGHT: Zion Homeless Shelter’s fundraiser, “Sleep Out for the Homeless,” was we held on Nov. 18 at Crab Park, on the waterfront in Washington. Pamela Anderson from Washington Noon Rotary presented Leesa Jones, a member of the Zion Shelter Board, with a $2,000 check donation. In total, the event raised $2,169 dollars. As the National Coalition For The Homeless celebrated Homeless Person’s Memorial Day nationwide on Dec. 21, the Zion Shelter developed a campaign to bring awareness to homelessness and to bring awareness to National Homeless Person’s Memorial which honors all those who have died while homeless. The shelter is planning more community outreach for 2018. (Leesa Jones)