Celebrate love, every day

Published 7:18 pm Thursday, February 14, 2019

Love was in the air yesterday. Flowers, candy, cards, all manner of heart-shaped things — romantic gestures both grand and small could be seen throughout the day yesterday. Couples dining out, bouquets delivered to the workplace, sunset strolls hand in hand. All make for special moments to be remembered.

While Valentine’s Day is traditionally a celebration of romantic love, the magic of the day is so often fleeting. Today, it’s back to normal. The beauty of the flowers fades and eventually the last chocolate is eaten from the box. Even keepsake cards yellow and become brittle with age.

While these material things are destined to fade away, we can take comfort in knowing that love endures.

While that sweet romantic love between two people can be a foundation on which to build a future, there are so many other incarnations of that powerful emotion that should be celebrated every day.

A powerful connection with family — the comfort and peace you find at home — the sentimental feelings one has for their hometown — the deep and meaningful bonds formed with friends — the pride one feels for their place in the state, country and world — a connection to God and the divine, in whatever form you might see it — these are all manifestations of love.

If you have these kinds of love, count yourself fortunate. Love where you are, love where you come from, love who you are, love the things you do, love those around you. Love yourself, love life and never let anyone stop it.

Seize every chance to enjoy something that you love and don’t let anything in this world stand in the way of it. Shout your love from the rooftops and seize back that zest for life that may be missing.

Why should every other day be monotony and hum-drum, with the celebration of love reserved for one single, solitary day of the year? Why should we let ourselves be consumed by hate, anger and frustration when there is so much to love about this world and the people around us?

Whoever you are, whatever you do to live, thrive and survive, don’t forget to find time to celebrate love.