Write Again … Is it copasetic?

Published 6:24 pm Friday, October 11, 2019

So many different ethnic groups, races, professions, trades, avocations, faiths, hobbies, seem to have a sub-language. Call it lexicon, patois, vernacular. Call it what you will.

There was a time in my life, from age 20 to 23, when I was exposed to this on a daily basis. I refer, of course, to my active duty years in the army.

Those of you who have served will recognize some of the expressions I will pass along here. Some words, phrases, migrate out of the military environment into the general populace. Those who haven’t had any personal exposure to military service will probably not be familiar with some/most examples listed here.

So. Here goes.

Copasetic (everything’s okay). Cut a chogie (hurry on …). Bag and baggage (all your gear and ready to leave).

When the balloon goes up (the Russkies, Czechs or others cross over the border). A GI party ( cleaning the barracks).

The hawk is out (it’s bitter cold). The hawk is talking (even colder). Going back to the world (the good old US of A). The land of round door knobs (USA).

Short-timer (close to getting out). So short you can sleep in a match box (even less time left to serve). Re-up (reenlist).

Squared away (everything arranged exactly as required). Police call (picking up trash). “I don’t want to see anything but (body part) and elbows” (when you’re on police call).

Chicken – – – – outfit (common complaint about current unit). The old man (company or battery commander).

SOS ( – – – – on a shingle; a “gourmet”dish). Mess hall or chow hall (where those gourmet meals are served — I liked ’em).

Kamerad or Rad (a German male). Funny money (currency of the country in which you are stationed). Macht schnell! (make it fast — in Deutsch).

The eagle squats (euphemism) today (payday). F – – – sack (your bunk or sleeping bag). Keep your nose clean (don’t screw up). Get your head out of your – – – (pay attention). Uncover (remove cap or hat).

Do or die for TDY (as in temporary duty — in my case, to play ball!). Lifer (career soldier).

If you have any time to kill, we’re going to work it to death.

There’s three ways to do things: the right way, the wrong way and the Army way. And guess which way we’re going to do things.

I’ll end with that.

Rest easy.